
Level 3 Certificate in Whānau Ora

Learn a whānau-centred approach to support whānau health and wellbeing. This NZQA qualification was developed with Otago Polytechnic to train whānau and support workers to support and uplift Māori communities.

Who should do this course?

People who would like to work with Māori and whānau in the development of a whānau-centred approach to support wellbeing, health and nutrition.

What do you learn?

  • Hauora (health) Māori including the key dimensions, accountability processes and implications of legislation

  • Knowledge of rongoā Māori in relation to the prevention and treatment of illness

  • Tikanga in relation to rongoā rākau, human anatomy and hauora in the home

  • How to prepare a nutritionally-balanced diet using kai tōtika Māori

  • About anger management in a hauora context

Where to next

Graduates of this qualification will be able to work under supervision to apply knowledge of Māori philosophies and theories of Māori wellbeing — caring for and supporting people, from youth to adulthood. This qualification can lead onto further Level 4 study at Te Pūkenga (Otago Polytechnic).










Hauora (holistic well-being)

Taha Whānau (family well-being)

Taha Tinana (physical well-being)

Taha Wairua (spiritual well-being)

Taha Hinengaro (personal, mental and emotional well-being)

Hapori Advocacy

Communication Skills (academic)

WO3-1: Hauora (holistic well-being)

WO3-2: Taha Whānau (family well-being)

WO3-3: Taha Tinana (physical well-being)

WO3-4: Taha Wairua (spiritual well-being)

WO3-5: Taha Hinengaro (personal, mental and emotional well-being)

WO3-6: Hapori Advocacy

WO3-7: Communication Skills (academic)


There are no pre-entry requirements

Start Date



Full-time (20 weeks), 18 contact hours per week; 12 hours self-directed

$2790 — Scholarships may be available to eligible applicants — talk to us about this


Mostly classroom teaching and interactions that support the introduction and practice of skills and tikanga. All assessments are assignments (no tests or exams)


You graduate with the New Zealand Certificate in Whanau Ora (Level 3) which is an NZQA qualification. This qualification can lead onto further Level 4 study at Otago Polytechnic | Te Pūkenga


Kōkiri Training Centre — 51 Macandrew Road, South Dunedin

Cost Fees

Other options

Other services at Kōkiri

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Click here to enrol